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Racial Trauma: Should it Be Given More Recognition in the Mental Health Sphere?

The recent atrocities on Jacob Blake and George Floyd, have brought much needed attention to racial inequality and racial tensions, both in the United States and globally. This calls into question the effects of such events on the affected families and communities as a whole. Therefore, the conversation on racial trauma urgently needs to be had, now more than ever. There is a pressing need to discuss racial trauma, to raise awareness, and to acknowledge that it needs a bigger lime light in the mental health sphere.

Next Generation EU: Le Plan Européen Pour La Reprise Post COVID-19

Le 21 juillet dernier, le Conseil européen approuve l’émission de 750 milliards d’euros de fonds pour faire face à la crise post COVID-19. Le plan de relance s’inscrit dans le Next Generation EU, le nouvel instrument proposé par la Commission le 27 mai dernier. Les fonds seront liés à des objectifs européens communs: parmi tout, faire face au changement climatique.

Japan: UK-EU Trade Deals to Revolutionize Geopolitics

Brexit has inevitably revolutionized the position of the UK in geopolitics, and the latter has had to start over agreements with the whole world. Finding itself in such a globalised environment that demands deals to be secured rapidly, it is inevitable the UK has been wanting to prioritise agreements that would bring win-win benefits for its growth as an individual power. These, including the deal with Japan, will take time to perfection.

La Campagna Amnesty International sul Consenso

Dalla campagna Amnesty International #iolochiedo emerge l’importanza di sottolineare una cultura del consenso, in maniera immediata e pratica. Da un rapporto Istat del 2019 si nota in particolare come lo stereotipo di genere possa influire in un approccio gender-sensitive e nel contrasto alla violenza contro le donne. Scopri nell’articolo l’intreccio tra consenso, stereotipo e cambiamento nel paradigma culturale e giuridico.