Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: An Italian Ex-Minister’s Sacrifice For Love

Nicholas Zalewski
Former Minister Sangiuliano pictured with Maria Rosaria Boccia
Source: Corriere Nazionale

When people find themselves head over heels for another individual, this sometimes leads to do anything they can in order to court this individual. For Gennaro Sangiuliano, this led him to losing his job as Minister of Cultural Affairs. He is the first minister of Giorgia Meloni’s government who has resigned. While he has not been scandal-free, his demise came about due to his promise to a former girlfriend, Maria Rosaria Boccia, that he would give her a job as an advisor. While Sangiuliano was not fired, it seemed improbable that he would be able to continue as Minister of Cultural Affairs.

San Giuliano allegedly met Boccia in Naples and had a “sentimental affair” with her. When he resigned, he also apologized to his wife for the affair. There are concerns that he potentially spent funds from the government. Potential evidence is from Boccia herself who secretly recorded herself with Sangiuliano using her Ray Ban sunglasses when he was on official government trips. Sangiuliano has refuted the claims any state funds were spent on her and has allegedly provided documentation showing that he paid for her to accompany him from his own pocket. This appears to be true according to documentation provided, along with evidence that she at least paid for a hotel room once with her own money. This directly contradicts her claim “non ho mai pagato nulla” ( I never paid anything). This makes Boccia a less than credible source in the situation.

Maria Boccia pictured with the Ray Ban sunglasses she used to record within Parliament. Source: affaritaliani.it

The whole situation came to a head when Boccia published on Instagram that she was an adviser for major events, yet the entire staff of the Ministry of Culture denied this claim. The staff claimed that they never met her, yet she posted screenshots, allegedly of a group chat that included her and these staff members, making them untrustworthy narrators as well. The scandal has helped Boccia amass a following on Instagram, going from 28,000 followers to well over 100,000 followers.  

What may make the situation more shocking is that Sangiuliano is highly educated, receiving his degrees from some of the best universities in Italy. He received a master’s degree in law from Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, a second level master’s degree in private European law from Sapienza Università di Roma, and finally a Ph.D. in Law and Economy from Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II. This serves as an important reminder that anyone is capable of making serious errors of judgement, regardless of their level of education.

Boccia’s Own Controversies

His ex-lover has also found herself in hot water as well. She is currently banned from the Italian Parliament after she was caught filming inside the building with spy glasses. She tried to explain herself by saying she simply wanted to give her social media followers a tour of the building. This ban is in place until the responsible bodies reverse the decision.

She was supposed to give an interview for Carta Bianca, a television program, yet Boccia pulled out at the last minute. She claims this is not because she is nervous to tell the truth but because she was not satisfied with the conditions for the interview. Time will tell if she can explain away the situation in order to save her reputation, but the situation is not looking good for her, given her blatant violation of parliamentary rules of not recording or taking photos inside. It will be interesting to see if she ever comes forward for another interview, or avoids this in order to avoid difficult questions from journalists about what truly happened.

She has further found herself in hot water as Sangiuliano has denounced Boccia to the police. This is a result of Boccia calling Sangiuliano’s wife to say that he was having an affair with her. He alleges that she threatened him, which is illegal to do so against a politician. There is however a picture of him with a scratch on his forehead from a fight that allegedly occurred between July 16th and 17th, followed up with a message where she wrote “me hai fatto diventare una iena” (you turned me into a hyena), suggesting she did potentially physically attack him. Boccia risks up to seven years in prison for this. This has not stopped her however, even though her smart phone has been confiscated, Boccia has continued to publish more details on social media. Police officers also seized two other phones from her home, a desktop computer, and nine pen drives which have a combined memory space of 600 gigabytes.  

Sangiuliano, pictured with the cut on his forehead allegedly caused by Boccia. Source: affaritaliani.it

In the end, while Boccia’s conduct may not be perfect, the majority of the responsibility lies on Sangiuliano, who was in a position in power in order to serve his nation as a member of the government. While it is possible that Boccia may have tried to use their brief affair as leverage to secure a position for herself, it is his fault for putting himself in such a situation.


It is important to make sure that we think with our brains when it comes to our jobs rather than our hearts- or lower. Sangiuliano has forever damaged his reputation and serves as an important example that we should be very careful about making promises to our partners that may put our jobs at risk. For Sangiuliano, pursuing this love interest not only significantly damaged his reputation yet also cost him 4,500 euros a month, after taxes were already withheld. This example shows that regardless of education, anyone is capable of making serious mistakes. The most serious aspect of this situation is that when people in power make poor choices that affect them personally, they risk damaging their entire nation as well. This case continues to develop and more details may be available about what precisely occurred between Sangiuliano and Boccia. Due to lies from the parties involved, it is difficult to still understand the situation.

Please Read The Following For More Information:

“Caso Sangliuliano, perché Maria Rosaria Boccia ha rinunciato all’intervista a Cartabianca” SkyTG24. 11 September, 2024.

Barone, Nicola. “Caso Sangiuliano, l’ex ministro indagato dalla Procura di Roma. Salta l’intervista di Boccia a Rete 4”. Sole 24 Ore. 10 September 2024. 

Murphy, Matt. “Italian minister quits after appointing ex-lover as adviser”. BBC News. 6 September 2024.

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Let’s Tune In To The EU…

by Nicholas Zalewski time to read: 4 min