(Article) Elections to the Catalan Parliament: Life beyond independence

In the Catalan elections last May, voters opened a new window on their political reality: new parties, new priorities and, above all, a lot of uncertainty. Who will be the next President of the Generalitat?

Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: Spanish PM Sanchez Faces Surprising Political Setback 

Spanish Prime Minister was unsuccessful in passing an amnesty bill which is important in order to maintain the coalition government. It will be nearly impossible to create a version of the bill that will receive enough votes to be passed.

Let’s Tune Into The EU’s Periphery: And The Winner In Spain’s Election Is?

Spain just had an election on Sunday. Both Partido Popular and PSOE gained seats in the Chamber of Deputies. It remains unclear whoever the winner of the election truly is based on the potential coalitions which can be created.

Let’s Tune In To The EU’s Periphery: Partido Popular Won Big In Spanish Local Elections

Spain recently had local elections which showed support for PSOE has dropped while increasing for PP. Prime Minister Sanchez has called for an early parliamentary election in order to prevent PP from gaining additional support.