[ANALYSIS] Playing with the Fire of Democracy: Ukraine’s Choice of National Security over Media Pluralism

The presidential decree which unplugged three pro-Russian TV channels overnight on 2 February 2021 has been hailed by pro-Western Ukrainians as the first bold move by Ukraine President Volodymir Zelensky to counter Russian propaganda.
While the EU expressed its concerns and the US praised the decision, journalists unions condemned such an interference in the freedom of the media.
Yet, all international conventions protecting freedom of speech establish a few motives on the base of which a State can restrict such freedom and one of the most popular ones is a pressing though historically abused necessity: national security.
Well, this is is exactly the interest that Zelensky claims to protect.

Transatlanticism 2.0: New Era, New Strategy

With a pro-transatlanticist back in the White House, the transatlantic alliance rejoices. But does the trasatlanticism of old belong in this new era? Observing the discussions from the 2021 Special Edition of the Munich Security Conference, it is clear that a new trasatlanticism is needed for the West to survive and flourish in a era of deepening multipolarity and growing international competition.

[Analysis] How to Counter China’s Vaccine Diplomacy in the Balkans

Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, China has developed a ‘mask diplomacy’ aimed at the Western Balkans; later evolved into the so-called vaccine diplomacy.

Can the European Union counter China’s ambitions in its eastern neighbourhood?

Jozef Chovanec’s Slaughter Investigated By Belgium And Slovakia

The investigation into the death of Slovak national Jozef Chovanec at a Belgian airport in 2018 has gained traction again as Slovakia and Belgium kickstart an international cooperative effort to resolve a case of police brutality.

The Ambition of Gender Equality

EIGE foresees 60 years before the achievement of gender equality in Europe. It proceeds, but at a slow pace. Meanwhile, the dream of equality does not suffer standstills. A new Gender Action Plan was realized in November 2020. It places gender equality at the centre of external relations and sets a new strategy to turn the tide by 2030.