Press Review: June 2022

Press Review: June 2022

Victor Pla
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Since the start of June, there have been nearly a hundred violations of the UN’s Human Rights Charter.

Here is the news that you might have missed from the last month.

Tensions Keep Arising in Taiwan

Source: Gigi on Unsplash

Since 1949, with the victory of Mao Zedong in China, Taiwan has been demanding independence from the Chinese State. In an effort to maintain its autonomy, the United States has openly supported Taiwan in its separatist process, generating even greater tension with China.

China’s State Councilor and Defense Minister General Wei Fenghe accused the U.S. of interfering in China’s internal affairs at the Shangri-La Dialogue security summit in Singapore. He stated that

“If anyone dares to secede Taiwan from China, we [China] will not hesitate to fight. We will fight at all costs and we will fight to the very end. This is the only choice for China” 

However, even Chinese officials’ threats don’t seem to be scary enough for U.S. leaders. This is mainly because China‘s economy is the most interconnected globally; it follows that initiating a war in the Pacific, would trigger a major set of economic sanctions. Even so, the U.S. is not keen on being in a constant war with Asia but has opposed Taiwan’s independence.

The War in Ethiopia Continues

Source: Kelly L

Since November 2020, Ethiopia has undergone a civil war between two groups. On the one hand, the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA), the rebels, and, on the other hand, the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF).

According to an OLA representative, the rebel group launched an offensive operation on June 14 in the city of Gambella in southwestern Ethiopia. The OLA killed 10 Ethiopian soldiers, seized a national-owned arsenal of weapons, and advanced their positions towards one of the most important regions of the African country, thanks to its trade routes with Sudan in both Matama and Kurmuk.

As soon as the attack ended, the ENDF launched a counteroperation against the OLA, pushing back the rebels and regaining control of the city, as declared by the president of the regional government of Gambella.

Russia Earns $100 Billion in Oil Sales During the War

A report from the Centre For Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA) found that Russia has earned nearly $100 billion selling energy products (oil, gas, and coal) in the first 100 days of the Russia-Ukraine War. According to the report, the EU is responsible for 61% of those sales, accounting for more than $60 billion in revenues.

The EU has planned to cut about 66% of the trade with Russia in the energetic realm but at the present day, it seems impossible as such. The same CREA report also supports that such an embargo would have massive consequences for European households.

Russia has braced itself for the potential sanction and thus has started to heavily trade with India, allowing Indian-refined oil to flood European markets.

Ecuadorian Police Arrest CONAIE’s President Leonidas Iza During a Protest in Pastocalle

Source: Joe Yates on Unsplash

Leonidas Iza, the current leader of the Cotopaxi Indigenous and Peasant Movement (MICC) and president of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE), was arrested by the Police Forces of Ecuador on June 13.

Iza was arrested during a demonstration in Pastocalle while demanding a lower price on fuel and price caps on agricultural products. According to some officials, Iza was arrested for offenses against the government. CONAIE demanded a radicalization of the demonstrations to fight the detention of the leader, and on the 15th of June, Iza was set free from jail on parole.

The entrance of Guillermo Lasso as President of Ecuador has not reduced the repression of protestors. Since the start of June, there have been nearly a hundred violations of the UN’s Human Rights Charter.

Australia and France Have a New Military Deal

In September 2021, the Australian government tore up a $35 billion contract with France, in which Australia agreed to buy submarines and similar naval-related assets from France. Due to the AUKUS agreement, connecting Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, Australia agreed to use U.S. and UK-produced submarines instead of French ones, exacerbating its relationship with France.

Newly nominated Australian Prime Minister Albanese has been concerned with diplomatic relations with France. France holds the presidency of the European Union, which means that it has great relevance in the Council of the European Union, giving it a power position in the decisions that the EU will eventually take. Not only does it has a great position in the Union, but it has also key actors in other international institutions, just as NATO or the IMF. Mr. Albanese said that this contract with the French Naval industry is a “fair and equitable settlement”. In total, the failed submarine deal has cost $2.4 billion to the Australian taxpayers with no results to show off.

Even though, no agreement has been reached by the French Government.

The Press Review is a bi-weekly column produced by our Newsroom team to highlight the stories that you might have missed from the last month. You can read more about our weekly content on the Newsroom page.

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Press Review: June 2022

by Victor Pla time to read: 3 min