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Rischio Spillover: a fine emergenza ne dovremo tener conto.

Negli ultimi decenni l’uomo ha adottato pratiche e stili di vita che lo hanno portato ad un contatto eccessivo con il mondo animale. Dallo sfruttamento di luoghi naturali al cibarsi di particolari animali selvatici che, come informa l’articolo, spesso possiedono cariche virali insopportabili per i nostri sistemi immunitari.

L’attuale pandemia è il probabile risultato di tali atteggiamenti: un effetto della mancanza di rispetto di certi ambienti ed ecosistemi, un rispetto che si è convertito oggi in imperativo.


“I Can’t Breathe.” These are the words that have shook the world. The crude murder of George Floyd by a member of the Minneapolis Police Department has started a chain of reaction that now sees Minnesota’s chief town in riot. And yes, I said murder, for the action of former police officer Derek Chauvin cannot just be dismissed as an excess of force during the arrest. Yet, as an act of manslaughter guided by racial hate. And as such, it begets anger from those who cannot just stand by for such events.

Raid in the West Bank: Palestinian Teen Killed by Israeli Army

Zaid Fadl Qaisia, 15 years old, was killed during a raid in the West Bank that aimed at arresting him for having insulted an Israeli soldier on Facebook. The supervision of Palestinians through Facebook is one of the milder ways through which the Israeli government maintains control and surveillance over its public. Not only the West Bank, but also Gaza and East Jerusalem have been exploited as experiment fields to test and develop new tools of digital surveillance.