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President Biden’s Environmental Policy: Promising or Pitiful?
Following the departure of Pres. Trump, will successor Pres. Biden change the tide of policy from environmental neglect to progress?
Portugal Takes Leadership of the EU Council, and the EU in New Directions
Portugal takes its turn to lead the Council of the European Union, prepared with a diverse programme that will lead the EU into recovery and new beginnings.
Ethiopia Tigray Crisis: Where are the Human Rights of It All?
Ethiopia’s domestic conflict in Tigray continues to endanger the human rights of its civilians. Yet, protections of these rights place the government at odds with determining its own sovereignty.
Air Confrontation Between Four Countries Distresses East Asia
While the world is still dealing with the impacts of the pandemic, the Russian and Chinese militaries seem to be growing closer than ever. On December 22nd, 2020, Russian and Chinese bombers flew a joint patrol mission over an area of the Western Pacific that is dangerously close to disputed territories between China, South Korea, and Japan. This mission succeeds a first one in 2019 which had already shaken up peace in East Asia.
The Italian House of Cards: Reviewing the Reasons for the Political Crisis in Italy
As the political crisis hits in Italy, political scientists have questioned the real motives of the crisis. The timing of the crisis and the obscure meanders of Senator Renzi’s political experience cast some doubts on the actual reasons of the deadlock in such crucial times for the country.
A Step Forward in Sino-Vatican Relations
In July 2020, the Vatican City has been one of the organizations under a cyber-attack aimed at the Chinese government, an event that shed light on the ties between the Holy See and the Asian superpower.
[Analysis] Can Google Trends be Used for Political Polling?
TNGO writer Kamila Koronska takes a fascinating insight into the power of Google Trends and explores if it can help us to predict political polling.
[Analysis] China’s Energy Sustainability, the 2060 Vision, and the EU
The People’s Republic of China has become one of the most prominent geopolitical leaders worldwide, with a booming economy, growing domestic consumption, and a skyrocketing rise of global financial influence through world-renowned investment projects such as the infamous Belt and Road initiative. Such a rise has deeply affected its energy consumption, requiring a prevalently coal-driven energetic production to keep up with its ramping economic growth.
[Analysis] Is A Political Transition On The Horizon For Thailand?
The political turmoil happening in Thailand has accompanied the news for the whole of 2020. But what is happening in Thailand? Understanding the sociopolitical dynamics of the Thai nation is extremely complicated, as its history is characterized by intense and frequent political shocks that have left space for confusion and little opportunity for the growth of this country. The current protests led by the Thai youth, however, seem to have the needed potential to change the future political landscape of this country.
Jozef Chovanec’s Slaughter Investigated By Belgium And Slovakia
The investigation into the death of Slovak national Jozef Chovanec at a Belgian airport in 2018 has gained traction again as Slovakia and Belgium kickstart an international cooperative effort to resolve a case of police brutality.