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European Affairs: Children’s Rights in Iceland

Children’s Rights have been improving since the beginning of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Iceland has created one of the most successful children and youth welfare systems. Looking into their actions can assist in the formation of other programs.
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Brazil and Mexico eye new trade relationship amid friendshoring pressures and an uncertain Mercosur

Pressured by friendshoring trends and by a faltering Mercosul, Brazil and Mexico see window of opportunity to establish new and revise existing trade agreements. Under the shadow of a new Trump presidency, Latin America trade might see new life with Brazil - Mexico relationship.
Read More "Brazil and Mexico eye new trade relationship amid friendshoring pressures and an uncertain Mercosur"

Xi Jinping’s Visit Highlights Brazil’s Cautious Balancing Act

As Xi Jinping's November visit to Brazil wrapped up, high-level talks between the two Global South giants expanded on a wide set of agreements. However, Xi's visit also highlights a delicate and nuanced balancing game played by Brazil, fueled by domestic political struggles and the expectation of a second Trump tenure.
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Brazil’s Supreme Court: Democracy in Crisis?

As Brazil’s Supreme Federal Court (STF) grows in power, its role has become an increasingly divisive topic. Confrontations with former President Jair Bolsonaro, as well as several of his allies, have kept the Court at the forefront of public discourse. While supporters view the STF as safeguarding a democracy under attack, critics argue that the Court has overstepped its mandate and amassed too much authority.
Read More "Brazil’s Supreme Court: Democracy in Crisis?"

China-Taiwan: New Beijing’s Propaganda Campaign Target Taiwan’s Youth

Beijing's recent use of soft power to influence Taiwan has evolved to include a strategic focus on Taiwanese influencers, particularly those with a significant youth audience. While leveraging cultural events and celebrities for propaganda is not new, this approach represents a shift towards subtler, more pervasive tactics aimed at shaping the perceptions of Taiwan's younger generation.
Read More "China-Taiwan: New Beijing’s Propaganda Campaign Target Taiwan’s Youth"

Our Latest Reports

(Report) The Ukraine Conundrum: Reform, Resilience, And European Integration

Ukraine's path to EU membership will necessitate the establishment of clear standards for rule of law and fundamental values, along with effective mechanisms to ensure ongoing compliance post-accession. This approach is crucial to ensuring that future enlargements positively impact EU governance.
Read More "(Report) The Ukraine Conundrum: Reform, Resilience, And European Integration"

Pennsylvania: The Keystone to America’s Political Future

As the 2024 election approaches, Pennsylvania remains one of the most pivotal swing states, where its diverse demographic and economic landscape could once again decide the presidency. The state's history as a political battleground is solidified through landmark elections, electoral shifts and demographic changes, in which both parties continuously adapt strategies to secure its 19 electoral votes.
Read More "Pennsylvania: The Keystone to America’s Political Future

[REPORT] The Broken Nation: Myanmar’s Struggle Towards a National Identity

For the entirety of Myanmar’s existence as an independent state, the civil war is the clearest opportunity for the country to form a shared national identity. The Tatmadaw's repression effectively united the warring minorities towards the goal of peace and unity. If this emerging unity remains intact and further develops, it can be said that this conflict’s end may very well determine whether or not Myanmar will become a nation that identifies itself as wholly united in its diversity. 
Read More "[REPORT] The Broken Nation: Myanmar’s Struggle Towards a National Identity"

(Report) One Year Into the War: The EU’s Confusing Russia Policy

Nineteen months into the war and the EU still has not officially amended its Russia policy. Nevertheless, the EU has significantly changed its behavior towards Russia and is increasingly becoming a de facto geopolitical player. What does this mean for the future of EU-Russia relations?
Read More "(Report) One Year Into the War: The EU’s Confusing Russia Policy"

(REPORT) Italy and the BRI: in the Shadow of Sino-American Competition and Balancing National Interest

Italy's BRI engagement economic promises fell short. Italy's reassessing aligns with US priorities. Taiwan's ties could help distancing from China but strain relations. Balancing interests, alliances, and economics, Italy navigates a complex situation. Exiting the BRI may offer security assurances while maintaining diplomatic and economic hedging with the US and China.
Read More "(REPORT) Italy and the BRI: in the Shadow of Sino-American Competition and Balancing National Interest"

[REPORT] Table for Two?: Italy and Other Upper-Middle Powers in Modern Global Affairs

This February, France's President Emmanuel Macron hosted Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelenskyy as well as Germany's Olaf Scholz. Italy's Giorgina Meloni was not invited to the dinner and this has caused some tensions between European leaders. While a dinner may seem small, the challenges that the European Union faces are not.
Read More "[REPORT] Table for Two?: Italy and Other Upper-Middle Powers in Modern Global Affairs"

[REPORT] Myanmar: a long quest for democracy & freedom

Since independence from the United Kingdom, Myanmar's quest for freedom and democracy has been a long and ongoing battle. While its people and the international community hoped that Aung San Suu Kyi would move Myanmar down the path of democracy, the military coup of February 2021 has moved the Southeast Asian country further away from the democratic path, while strengthening its political ties with Russia and China.
Read More "[REPORT] Myanmar: a long quest for democracy & freedom"

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