Armament & Disarmament

I have always believed that beyond being an art, language is also a science. It is a tool of transformation, and as far as decolonisation is concerned, language is a necessary tool.

Toyin Falola, Nigerian historian

About the project

The growing global nuclear and military spending against the pandemic background exhibiting the deepening strategic instability. However, most of the time media attention rests solely on the political games amongst international actors and relatively ignores the other significant factors such as armament and disarmament efforts which will control the future direction of global geopolitical tension. Therefore this research group is established in order to assure public understanding regarding armament and disarmament affairs in the world. The strategic talks belong to people, let us take an initiative to create a world where the public is part of the hard security.

This research team will work on contributing to the public understanding regarding armament and disarmament through the newly designed framework called D-ARM. Research tasks covered the series of articles on global military spending and non-proliferation affairs all the way to producing background research on disarmament challenges and facts among each geographical area.

Our Team

Paddy Siyanga Knudsen

Director of 'Decolonization Through Public Policy' Observatory Team

Mickey Moyo

Deputy Director of Decolonization Through Public Policy' Observatory Team

Domiziana Palumbo

Research Fellow of 'Decolonization Through Public Policy' Observatory Team

Hiba Bouazza

Research Fellow of 'Decolonization Through Public Policy' Observatory Team

Marine Baba-You Ourahli

Research Fellow of 'Decolonization Through Public Policy' Observatory Team

Ariel Karn

Director of "D-ARMS" Observatory Team

Akasha Usmani

Research Fellow of "D-ARMS" Observatory Team

Sharath Kumar Kolipaka

Research Fellow of 'D-ARMS' Observatory Team

The D-ARMS Framework

D – (Direct) Disarmament and Arms control efforts

A – Acquisition

R – (Arms/Defense) Research and Development

  • Who is developing what? And its implication
  • Eg. Missiles or Hypersonic aircraft/submarines

M – (Arms) Mobility and Military Spending

  • The mobility of arms such as SALWs/LAWs 
  • Military spending on weapons

S – Security Cooperation

  • traditional security cooperation/defence cooperation 
  • Who’s cooperating with whom? What are the (prospecting) impact/ implication? 
  • Military stimulation cooperation 

The research team will cover the area under the framework the Research Lead, Ariel Karn, designed called the D-ARMS framework.

News & Events

The Second Voice: Why are the French Feminists so Divided Compared to the Turkish’s Ones?

In light of the revolutionary mobilization of Turkish feminists regarding the imprisonment of Çilem Doğan for the murder of her violent husband, French feminist collectives seem shy, divided, and torn by a partisan dynamic which damages the universal fight against violence against women.

Continue Reading The Second Voice: Why are the French Feminists so Divided Compared to the Turkish’s Ones?

[REPORT] Erdoğan’s Menu to Crush Down the Opposition

Like a ruthless chef who organises the preparation of his gustatory manipulations, Erdoğan is constantly developing new menus to enable his kitchen to retain the grandeur of his despotism.  With a culinary taste particularly inclined towards conservatism, obedience and order are both to be respected along with religion. However, no one should forget the other…

Continue Reading [REPORT] Erdoğan’s Menu to Crush Down the Opposition

A Conversation with the Lawyer of Çilem Doğan: Punished for not Dying

Çilem Doğan’s story is a sad reality. A reality involving violence that goes unnoticed and unpunished. A reality that denies the right of women to protect themselves and condemns them for having the audacity to survive the domestic violence they face on a daily basis. A reality which pushes the oppressed to kill their oppressor…

Continue Reading A Conversation with the Lawyer of Çilem Doğan: Punished for not Dying

Cemre Topal: The Lawyer Who Defends Women in a Country That Murders Them 

While the Turkish government is turning a deaf ear to the violence against women, many are opening their eyes to condemn it. While the state is determined to oppress minorities, the resistance is getting organised and is not afraid.While Erdogan’s regime tries to silence the screams of women’s suffering, the voices of the opposition are rising up and shouting for their rights. Among all these voices, one resonates even louder than the others. It is that of Cerme Topal.

Continue Reading Cemre Topal: The Lawyer Who Defends Women in a Country That Murders Them 


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