Latin American Soft Power During the Latest Olympic Games

The Olympic Games are fertile ground for countries to cultivate soft power. This happens because, as the definition stands, soft power has to do with values, aspirations, and even dreams. This is the reason why the mystique of the legends that grow in the field of the Olympic Games is a crucial piece of world politics throughout history.

Remembering the Persecution of Homosexuals During the Nazi and Fascist Regimes

Sexual minorities were one of the social groups persecuted during the nazi and fascist regimes. Despite the end of the dictatorships, sexual and gender minorities were still persecuted in some European countries. Only decades after WWII, the LGBT+ community started claiming their space and their memory. As a result, the erection of monuments in memory of the persecution of homosexuals during the holocaust was one of the first steps to pay tribute to those who died and suffered.

[REPORT] US Police In The #BLM Protests

In 2020, the murder of George Floyd ignited nation-wide protests under the slogan “Black Lives Matter” to condemn police brutality and demand accountability. After several months, it is important to take stock of the situation and analyze the phenomenon, from its historical roots to the implications for domestic politics in the US

Iran In Power Struggle After Assassination of Top Nuclear Scientist

The assassination of top Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh has shaken the regional and international political arena. Despite the blow to its nuclear program, it seems that Iran has gained the upper hand in a power struggle with Israel, Saudi Arabia and the US.

L’acqua: fonte di vita o strumento di guerra?

Si è recentemente tornati a parlare del fenomeno dell’acqua come arma strategica di guerra, utilizzata nel corso della storia per far pressione sui propri nemici. Negli ultimi anni questo fenomeno sembra essersi intensificato ed aver assunto nuove dinamiche, forse anche a causa dell’avanzamento del cambiamento climatico. Caso emblematico e ancora poco discusso è quello della Libia, dove il problema dell’acqua si aggiunge a una situazione già estremamente tesa.